Lesson Two: "Wait on the Lord"
Waiting isn't easy,
even in the best of circumstances!
Waiting for a special event.....like a marriage, graduation, or birth of a child....can often fill us with anxiety and trepidation, as well as excitement.
Mundane waiting...in line at the grocery store, or the post office, or bank ......makes us feel bored and impatient.
Waiting at the doctor's office, auto shop, or the hair salon....may make us feel our time is being taken for granted..... (most moms feel this way when they pick up their teens from events!)
Waiting for test results can be frightening and tense.
However, waiting on the Lord requires a special kind of action from us....it requires FAITH! Faith that prayers will be answered, faith that a path will be illuminated, faith that God is indeed listening!
Sometimes...many times...it is hard for us mere mortals to understand God's answer --He may say NO, or He may tell us to move in a direction we don't want to go in. Or, He may have told us to get moving awhile ago and WE keep ourselves in wait mode.
Learn to wait on God.....but when He says "MOVE"....get going!
Assignment: What are you waiting on?
There is a song lyric "He may not come when you want Him, but He's right on time!"
Part One -- Think about a time in your past when you had to 'wait awhile' on God to come through. Write or share with a Bible study partner your experience with waiting on God with this situation. How did you handle impatience? What kept you holding on to God?
Advanced: "In the above situation, when you waited on the Lord, why was His timing better than yours?"
Part Two -- What are you waiting on now? How will your faith help you with this?
Advanced: "Do you think the Lord has already given you an answer? How will you recognize it?